Brent Olthuis, c.r.

En plus de 20 ans au barreau, Brent a bâti une pratique de règlement des différends riche et variée. Il est reconnu pour ses conseils et son travail d’avocat plaidant dans de nombreux domaines du droit, englobant les litiges civils, les recours collectifs et les questions complexes de droit réglementaire et administratif.


Ontario (2001-14),
Colombie-Britannique (2005-présent)


BComm (UBC), LLB (McGill), LLM (UVic)

Stages judiciaires

Cour suprême du Canada (le juge Iacobucci, 2001-2002)

Cour d’appel de l’Ontario (le juge en chef McMurtry et les juges Doherty et Sharpe, 2000-2001)


Anglais, français



La pratique de Brent couvre un large éventail de questions dans de nombreux forums de règlement des différends.

Il a représenté des clients dans des litiges en matière de gouvernance d’entreprise et des affaires de détournement d’occasions d’affaires. Il a occupé dans des dossier de réclamations pour fraude ou tromperie, de violation de la vie privée, de violation de l’obligation fiduciaire et de responsabilité du fabriquant. Brent agit aussi régulièrement pour les professions réglementées et leurs membres, ainsi que pour d’autres organismes publics. Dans le cadre de cette pratique, Brent a poursuivi un grand nombre d’affaires d’outrage au tribunal.

La pratique de Brent l’a conduit devant tous les niveaux de tribunaux en Colombie-Britannique et en Ontario, y compris 10 pourvois devant la Cour suprême du Canada et plus de 45 devant la Cour d’appel de la Colombie-Britannique. Il a également mené des audiences devant les tribunaux de première instance de l’Alberta et du territoire du Yukon, la Cour fédérale et la Cour d’appel fédérale, la Cour canadienne de l’impôt, ainsi que divers tribunaux administratifs et comités d’arbitrage commercial.

Sood v Hans, 2023 BCCA 138: Argued successfully that a chambers judge properly dismissed an application to cancel a certificate of pending litigation (CPL).

British Columbia (Director of Civil Forfeiture) v Angel Acres Recreation and Festival Property Ltd, 2023 BCCA 70: Argued successfully that the trial judge in an important civil forfeiture case had made reversible errors, such that the trial result could not stand and that the three properties at issue had to be forfeit to government.

Prokam Enterprises Ltd v British Columbia Farm Industry Review Board, 2023 BCSC 403: Represented petitioner company in a judicial review of a supervisory administrative process under the Natural Products Marketing Act and associated regulations.

Sohi v Sohi, 2022 BCSC 434, 63 BCLR (6th) 347: Represented defendant brothers and their corporation in a dispute with family members over ownership of farmland within Metro Vancouver.

College of Physicians and Surgeons of British Columbia v Ezzati, 2021 BCCA 422, 66 BCLR (6th) 277: Represented respondent College in an appeal over a sentence for civil contempt of court.

Tomorrow’s Champions Foundation v MNR, 2021 FCA 146, 2021 DTC 5085: Successfully appealed the Minister’s denial of an application for registration as a registered Canadian amateur athletic association under the Income Tax Act.

Waterway Houseboats Ltd v British Columbia, 2020 BCCA 378, 44 BCLR (6th) 25: Represented City of Sicamous in an appeal from findings of negligence and liability under the Water Act, relating to a catastrophic debris flood in 2012.

Huang v Li, 2020 BCSC 1727, 61 ETR (4th) 165: Successfully defended claims in deceit (fraud) in the context of a lawyer’s providing gifts to his client’s family members in China.

British Columbia (Director of Civil Forfeiture) v Angel Acres Recreation and Festival Property Ltd, 2020 BCCA 290, 41 BCLR (6th) 405: Obtained a stay of proceedings concerning the trial judge’s declaration of constitutional invalidity.

College of Midwives of British Columbia v MaryMoon, 2020 BCCA 224, 451 DLR (4th) 100 (Co-counsel with Trevor Bant): Intervened on behalf of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of BC in a case concerning the constitutionality of “reserved titles” legislation.

Cowichan Tribes v Canada (AG), 2020 BCSC 1146, 41 BCLR (6th) 150 (Co-counsel with Trevor Bant): In-trial application regarding the admissibility of historical and ethnographic documents upon which a plaintiffs’ expert relied.

Cowichan Tribes v Canada (AG), 2020 BCSC 165, 33 BCLR (6th) 397: Resisted the admission of a prior draft of an expert’s report in a lengthy Aboriginal title action over lands in Richmond on the south arm of the Fraser River.

Angel Acres Recreation and Festival Property Ltd v British Columbia (AG), 2019 BCSC 1421, 443 CRR (2d) 110: Acted for the Attorney General and Director of Civil Forfeiture as respondents to a petition seeking to dismiss the Director’s action against three properties that serve as clubhouses for local chapters of an international motorcycle club. The court rejected the various statutory and constitutional arguments and dismissed the petition.

College of Physicians and Surgeons of British Columbia v Ezzati, 2019 BCCA 306, 28 BCLR (6th) 92 (Co-counsel with Trevor Bant): Enlarged a finding of contempt on appeal, with the Court of Appeal agreeing that the respondent’s having explained the risks and benefits of botulinum toxin (Botox) and dermal filler injections for the purposes of obtaining clients’ informed consent amounted to the practice of medicine and was in breach of the terms of an interim injunction.

Cowichan Tribes v Canada (AG), 2019 BCSC 1243: Resisted the admission of two out-of-court statements as trial evidence in a lengthy Aboriginal title action concerning lands in Richmond on the South Arm of the Fraser River.

Li v Rao, 2019 BCCA 264, 26 BCLR (6th) 219 (With Aubin Calvert): Successfully defended a Supreme Court order enjoining Rao from proceeding with an arbitration before the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC) until the BC courts ruled on various applications. The appeal is a leading authority on “anti-arbitration injunctions” in the Canadian context.

College of Physicians and Surgeons of British Columbia v Khahk, 2019 BCSC 1604: Successfully prosecuted a “second offence” contempt of court against the unlicensed respondent. The court found that the respondent had injected a client with botulinum toxin (Botox) shortly after having been found in contempt for the first time. By way of penalty, the court lifted the suspension on the initial custodial sentence and ordered the respondent to spend an additional 30 days incarcerated. It also ordered the respondent to pay a fine of $7,500.

Aulakh v Nahal, 2019 BCCA 57, 22 BCLR (6th) 71: Acted for the appellant in a challenge to the trial judge’s assessment of “uniqueness” for the purposes of analyzing the suitability of specific performance as a remedy for breach of a contract of purchase and sale of residential real estate.

College of Physicians and Surgeons of British Columbia v Khahk, 2019 BCSC 501: Obtained an order finding the unlicensed respondent guilty of contempt of court for having injected persons with dermal fillers, contrary to a consent injunction. In the result, the respondent was given a suspended sentence of 30 days and two years’ probation. She was also ordered to pay a $5,000 fine.

College of Physicians and Surgeons of British Columbia v Ezzati, 2018 BCSC 2006 (Co-counsel with Trevor Bant): Obtained an order finding the respondent, who is not licensed to practice medicine in BC, guilty of contempt of court for having held herself out as being qualified to practise medicine on her website and Instagram profile, and for having referred to herself as “doctor”, all in breach of an interim injunction.

College of Physicians and Surgeons of British Columbia v Li, 2018 BCSC 923 (Co-counsel with Trevor Bant): Obtained an order finding the non-registrant Li guilty of contempt of court for having breached an injunction by performing “East Asian blepharoplasty” (double eyelid surgery) on a client.

H(M) v Legal Services Society, 2018 BCSC 195: Represented the Legal Services Society’s in a successful defence of a funding decision made in respect of the petitioner’s application for legal aid representation.

College of Physicians and Surgeons of British Columbia v Tan, 2017 BCSC 2233: Obtained an injunction for the petitioner Health College, preventing the respondent and her company from providing mole-removal services while not licensed as a medical professional.

Democracy Watch v British Columbia (Conflict of Interest Commissioner), 2017 BCCA 366: Acted for the respondent Conflict of Interest Commissioner in proceedings seeking to challenge his opinion concerning certain activities of the then-Premier. The proceedings were dismissed with no impact on the Commissioner’s opinion.

Tracey v. Gokturk, 2017 BCSC 1813: Successfully represented a director of a technology company in a dispute arising out of a board deadlock over a proposed transaction.

Cowichan Tribes v. Canada (Attorney General), 2017 BCSC 1575, 1 BCLR (6th) 214: Represented the City of Richmond in an important application in a First Nations land claim, concerning the plaintiffs’ obligation to notify private landowners of their claim.

Aulakh v. Nahal, 2017 BCSC 1000: Represented the purchaser of residential real estate in Richmond, arguing successfully that the vendor had breached the contract of purchase and sale on the designated closing date.

Great Canadian Gaming Corp. v. British Columbia Lottery Corp., 2017 BCSC 574 (co-counsel with Mike Stephens): Represented the defendant in successful opposition to the plaintiff’s application to convert a conventional action to a class proceeding.

Brito v. Terry L. Napora Law Corp, 2016 BCSC 1476: Represented the Law Society to oppose the plaintiff’s application for a “Norwich Pharmacal order” to obtain discovery of the defendant lawyer’s client information.

Mann v. British Columbia (Insurance Council), 2015-FIA-002(a): Represented a licensed insurance agent in a disciplinary appeal that reduced the length of suspension by a factor of 6.

Google Inc. v. Mutual, 2016 BCSC 1169: Represented VideoShare LLC (plaintiff in Delaware proceedings against Google and others) in petition concerning deposition of a witness in British Columbia.

MM v. United States of America, 2015 SCC 62, [2015] 3 SCR 973: Intervened on behalf of the BC Civil Liberties Association in a case concerning the “double-criminality” requirement under the Extradition Act

British Columbia v. Imperial Tobacco Canada Limited, 2015 BCSC 1713: Represented Imperial Tobacco in successful application for production of documents from the federal government

Harrison v. Law Society of British Columbia, 2015 BCCA 258: Applied successfully to have an appeal dismissed as an abuse of process

College of Physicians and Surgeons of British Columbia v. Fofie, 2015 BCSC 907: Obtained order for College of Physicians granting search and seizure powers in respect of a clinic offering aesthetic treatments

Sun West Financial Ltd. v. 0800978 BC Ltd, 2014 BCSC 2167: Applied successfully to have a foreclosure petition converted from summary proceedings into a trial

Haghdust v. British Columbia Lottery Corp., 2014 BCSC 1327: (co-counsel with Randy Kaardal and Shannon Ramsay): Defended, on behalf of the Lottery Corporation, a class action suit challenging its refusal to pay jackpots to self-excluded gamblers

John Doe v. Ontario (Finance), 2014 SCC 36, [2014] 2 SCR 3: Intervened on behalf of the BC Freedom of Information and Privacy Association in a case concerning the “advice or recommendations of a public servant” exception to disclosure in access to information legislation

Reference re Senate Reform, 2014 SCC 32, [2014] 1 SCR 704: (co-counsel with John Hunter, Q.C., Claire Hunter and others): Represented amicus curiae in a proceeding concerning the process for amending the provisions in the Constitution concerning the Senate

College of Dental Surgeons of British Columbia v. Shapoval, 2014 BCSC 505: Represented the College of Dental Surgeons in a successful prosecution for contempt of court, resulting in a penalty of 45 days’ imprisonment

Henry v. Canada (A.G.), 2014 BCCA 30, 53 BCLR (5th) 282: (co-counsel with Mark Oulton and Stephanie McHugh): Represented three clients in public-interest constitutional challenge to federal voter identification rules

Canada (A.G.) v. Bedford, 2013 SCC 72, [2013] 3 SCR 1101: Intervened on behalf of the BC Civil Liberties Association regarding the appropriate standard of causation in cases involving the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms

Insurance Corp. of British Columbia v. COPE, Local 378, 2012 BCSC 1244: Represented defendant in response to injunction application based on alleged breaches of ICBC’s intellectual property rights

Alberta (Information and Privacy Commissioner) v. Alberta Teachers’ Association, 2011 SCC 61, [2011] 3 SCR 654: Intervened on behalf of the BC Freedom of Information and Privacy Association in a case concerning the failure to comply with statutory time limits

Reference re Section 293 of the Criminal Code, 2011 BCSC 1588: Represented children’s rights advocacy groups in proceedings concerning the constitutionality of the provision criminalizing polygamy

Fuller v. Harper, 2010 BCCA 421, 9 BCLR (5th) 236: Successfully appealed from a trial order requiring client to transfer title to property in the Okanagan, based on an application of the presumption of resulting trust

R. v. Cunningham, 2010 SCC 10, [2010] 1 SCR 331: (co-counsel with John Hunter, Q.C.): Intervened on behalf of the Law Society of Yukon in a case concerning the ethical responsibilities of lawyers when determining whether to withdraw services

“Can We Make It Any Clearer? BC’s Experience with Legislated Standards of Review”, prepared for and presented at the Ontario Bar Association administrative law conference “Ten Years Later: Coherence and Consistency In Administrative Practice Post-Dunsmuir”, Toronto, ON, 6 February 2018

“Shutting Down the Charlatan (or, Policing Unauthorized Practice)”, prepared for and presented at the Continuing Legal Education Society of BC’s Self-Governing Professions conference, Vancouver, BC, 2 June 2017

“The ‘Outermost Reaches’ of Negligence: Gaming and the Duty to Protect” (2015) 8 Canadian Gaming Lawyer 4

“On the Front Cover: Jeremy Webber” (2014) 72 Advocate 179

“Meanwhile, On The West Coast…” (2012) 2(2) Class Act (Ontario Bar Association, Class Action Section)

“Criminal Investigators in Municipal Functionaries’ Clothing?: The Safety Standards Act and Controlled Substances Bylaws”, prepared for and presented at the Trial Lawyers’ Association of British Columbia’s Contemporary Criminal Law conference, Vancouver, BC, 23 September 2011

“Life, Liberty and Security of the Person as Generalized Human Rights: A Section 7 Redux”, prepared for and presented at the Continuing Legal Education Society of BC’s Human Rights Conference, Vancouver, BC, 25 November 2011

“The Constitution’s Peoples: Approaching Community in the Context of Section 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982” (2009) 54 McGill L.J. 1

“Professional Conduct” in Dodek & Hoskins, eds., Canadian Legal Practice (formerly Barristers & Solicitors in Practice, 2d ed.) (Toronto: LexisNexis, 2009), c 3 [ongoing update to looseleaf publication]

“Civil Procedure: Court Rules” in Susan Munro et al, Annual Review of Law & Practice (Vancouver: Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia: 2008) 43 (with M Oulton, S McHugh, and S Ramsay)

“Disclosure of Electronic Information: R. v. Cassidy” Note (2004) 49 Crim LQ 287

“Defrosting Delgamuukw” (2001) 12 National Journal of Constitutional Law 385

Brent siège en tant qu’administrateur et membre du comité exécutif de la Continuing Legal Education Society de Colombie-Britannique. Il est également président du Groupe de pratique Litige commercial de la Société des plaideurs, une association nationale dont le siège social est à Toronto et qui est le porte-parole des avocats faisant autorité au sein du système judiciaire. Il a complété le programme de formation d’instructeur de compétences de la Société des plaideurs en 2015, et depuis lors, il est régulièrement instructeur de compétences dans les ateliers de la Société des plaideurs, à Vancouver et à Toronto.

Auparavant, Brent a siégé au conseil d’administration du BC Law Institute, un organisme de réforme du droit à but non lucratif œuvrant à l’amélioration et à la modernisation du droit, et a exercé un mandat en tant que représentant élu du conseil provincial de la division de la Colombie-Britannique de l’Association du Barreau canadien – ainsi que deux mandats à titre de coprésident de la Section du droit administratif du CBABC. Brent était membre du groupe de travail national de l’ABC qui a produit le processus d’examen de la conduite des juges du Conseil canadien de la magistrature en juillet 2014.

Brent a également été un généreux contributeur de services juridiques pro bono au public, étant reconnu à deux reprises comme avocat pro bono de l’année par le principal fournisseur de services pro bono de la Colombie-Britannique. Dans sa communauté, il a fait du porte-à-porte pendant de nombreuses années dans le cadre de la « Campagne de la jonquille » de la Société canadienne du cancer et a été entraîneur bénévole de la North Shore Female Ice Hockey Association, de la North Vancouver Minor Hockey Association et de la North Vancouver Spring Flag Football League.

Pendant ses études de droit, Brent a été président de sa troisième année de LL.B. à McGill et représentant des étudiants au comité des études supérieures de l’Université de Victoria.

Brent a été élu membre de l’International Society of Barristers en 2020, se joignant à un nombre restreint d’avocats canadiens dans chaque groupe.

Il est reconnu dans plusieurs publications évaluées par des pairs et des publications professionnelles, y compris Martindale-Hubbell (dont il a reçu la cote « AV/Preeminent », indiquant qu’un grand nombre de ses pairs le classent au plus haut niveau d’excellence professionnelle en matière de connaissances juridiques, de compétences en communication et de normes éthiques), Chambers and Partners, Best Lawyers, Benchmark Canada, Who’s Who Legal et The Legal 500 Canada.

Il a été nommé « Étoile montante » par le magazine Lexpert, comme l’un des meilleurs avocats de moins de 40 ans au Canada, et lauréat des prix « Lawyer of the Year, Judicial Review Roster program » et « Lawyer of the Year » d’Access Pro Bono en 2008 et 2009, respectivement.

Alors qu’il était étudiant en droit, Brent a reçu plusieurs bourses et prix en plus de figurer sur la liste d’honneur du doyen à chaque année de ses études. Il a terminé ses études de droit premier de classe avant de commencer des stages à la Cour d’appel de l’Ontario puis à la Cour suprême du Canada.

  • Recognition graphic for International Society of Barristers

  • Olthuis, Brent B

  • 2025 LEXPERT-ranked Lawyer

  • Recognition graphic from Benchmark Litigation Canada 2020

  • Recognition graphic from Legal 500 – Recommended Lawyer 2020

  • Recognition graphic from Who’s Who Legal 2020
  • Fellow, International Society of Barristers
  • Fellow, Litigation Counsel of America
  • Membre, Société des plaideurs
  • Président, Groupe de pratique de droit commercial – Société des plaideurs
  • Administrateur, Continuing Legal Education Society of BC
  • Membre, Institut de plaidoirie devant la Cour suprême
  • Membre, Division de la Colombie-Britannique de l’Association du barreau canadien
  • Membre, Vancouver Bar Association
  • Membere, Association des juristes d’expression française de la Colombie-Britannique